Wednesday, November 30, 2011


would be like
over and 

Seeing how it all will happen
before it happens
would be the final blight,
a leaden pall falling
on your joyful life.

So much better to live
in ignorance,
in hope that tomorrow
will be better
or at least the same
as today.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Morning Means More

Morning means more
than it did before.

Back in the heady days
when night throbbed
neon-full, flashing
surging through moon
soaked skies,
I thought it all
was mine!

But now in the morning,
rising before the sun,
pouring strong coffee
into my steaming mug,
the old cat on my lap,
silently I watch
as the sun rises,
and wonder as  I see
how He fills the land

most generously.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Waking to Darkness

Reaching to turn off the alarm, 
I look out dark windows 
and see the dreaming moon, 
high in the tree, 
filling the sky with 
unfinished sleep.

Better to wake 
to the morning's light,
to roll on my side, glance 
out the highest pane 
and see the sun 
fill the world again.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Dark spirit
seals my eyes,
hides from me
how wise trees
recall lusty
summer green, 

they're dead,
and when I die
my pain will also end
with his dubious gift
of nothingness.  

But I don't believe
this lie
of passionless 
eternal night,  

for in my core I feel
searing tongues of flame,
lifting me,
like spring,
from winter's grave!



Темный дух
уплотнений моих глазах,
прячется от меня
как мудрые деревья
Напомним похотливых
Летом зеленые.

Он говорит,
они будут мертвы,
и когда я умру
моя боль закончится
с его сомнительным даром

Но я не верю
эта ложь
от бесстрастного
вечной ночи,

ибо в моей основной я чувствую,
языки пламени,
жгучая благодать
подъемные меня, как весной,
с могилы зимний!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lament for a Cop

Helicopters hover,  searching
for the one who shot
the man who served,

who held a thin shield
between us and the chaos
of violent minds, reckless desires
born of poverty, 

He coached our kids
showed them how
to hit three-pointers, 
be safe, 
without fear.

Fearlessly, he pursued the robbers,
slammed them to a firm
stop, and followed them
down an ally
to his death.

How can our city, 
our state or country, 
our culture survive
when ignorance wins
and heroes die?

dedicated to Officer Jim Capoot, Vallejo PD, killed in the line of duty on 11/17/11

Monday, November 14, 2011

Pagan Moon

Pagan moon, 
solid rock, hanging
low in the eastern sky,

southern curve
cleanly slices
through the 
silk of night.

But north
of the winking eye
a bite gone
from the lunar pie!

Was it blown away 
by some 
solar wind?

or just a snack 
eaten by a 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Even the Wind

Even the wind
in high, silent trees
waits for motion.

Leaves hang, eager to drop
into cold sunshine

as empty chairs 'round the small table
wait for the conversation to begin;

but fern and rose
have nothing to say.

Shadow fills this still
autumn day.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Advice to a Madman

Look into the sun
and you'll sear your brains.
Deep truth burns,
sets tender nerves aflame.

Better to look
at the dispossessed moon.
With reflected lies
she'll comfort you.
